The Law of Forgiveness

For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Connie Domino. She is known by many as "The Forgiveness Lady." Learn about this universal law that can be enacted and invoked to manifest your goals and dreams. Follow along with her to recite three forgiveness affirmations: to forgive others, others to forgive you, and for you to forgive yourself. Many who have tried it reported great success, even miracles. To practice forgiveness is to unlock the power to attract what you really want - and receive myriad blessings in every part of your life. Her method does not require that you confront the offending party. It can be done in the privacy of your own home.

The Forgiveness Affirmation Technique:

This is a 3-step technique recommended by Connie Domino to address relationships you'd like to reconcile, improve or continue a relationship with them.

To begin, write down a list of people you'd like to forgive.  Another list can include individuals you'd like to receive forgiveness from for wronging them.

Find a space where you can get quiet and comfortable to do the exercise.  It's best to be in a place with no interruptions.

Now imaging the person you'd like to forgive or receive forgiveness.  If possible, see each one as happy and surrounded by healing, spiritual light.

You can say the following three affirmations quietly to yourself or out loud.  Saying them with sincerity, from the heart, adds to the power and effectiveness.  This can be repeated daily or anytime it's needed by you.

Affirmation to Forgive Others

"I forgive you completely and freely,  I release You and let you go.  So far as I'm concerned, the incident that happened between us is finished forever.   I wish the best for you.  I wish for you your highest good.  I hold you in the light.  I am free and you are free, and all again is well between us.  Peace be with you."

Affirmation for Others to Forgive You

"I forgive you completely and freely,  I release You and let you go.  So far as I'm concerned, the incident that happened between us is finished forever.   I wish the best for you.  I wish for you your highest good.  I hold you in the light.  I am free and you are free, and all again is well between us.  Peace be with you."

Affirmation to Forgive Yourself

"I forgive myself completely and freely.  I release myself and I let me go.  So far as I am concerned, the incident that happened is finished forever.  I wish the best for me.  I wish for myself the highest good.  I hold myself in the light.  I am free and all again is well with me.  Peace be with me."

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