Beyond 50 Radio Show
Tune In Weekly
A Live & Online Broadcast

Beyond 50 is America's Variety Talk Radio Show.  Originally designed for those in midlife (or approaching midlife), we have found over the 10 years of broadcasting that this is truly a program for ALL ages. The online radio show offers compelling topics that are informative, educational, and fun.

Beyond 50 is holistic in it's approach to solution-oriented programming that is alternative-minded and eclectic.  We showcase celebrities, bestselling authors, top experts, and visionary leaders  from around the world.  You can experience new insights and breakthroughs not usually found in mainstream resources.

Visionary, Informative, Fun

     PODCAST INTERVIEWS: July  2024      

Barbie: Her Inspiration, History, and Legacy

Friday, July 5
12 p.m. (PT)/3 p.m. (ET)

Meditation for the Modern Mind

Meditation for the Modern Mind

Friday, July 12
12 p.m. (PT)/3 p.m. (ET)

The UFO Paradox

Friday, July 19
12 p.m. (PT)/3 p.m. (ET)

The UFO Paradox
The Magical Decade

The Magical Decade:

A Personal Memoir
and Popular History
of 1965 - 75

Friday, July 26
12 p.m. (PT)/3 p.m. (ET)

          TOP VIDEO OF THE WEEK:          

Take Your Organic Gardening to the Next Level

For Beyond 50's  "Green Living" talks, listen to an interview with Jeffrey Scott. He is the co-founder of Green Village Biofertilizers of Colorado. He's back to discuss about Regenerative Agriculture as a movement toward healthier soils with the use of his product called AlgaeGrow, that's made from algae, for recovering highly depleted soils. It's easier, faster, and extremely effective, compared to organic gardening with compost, compost teas and mulches. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle.

       SPECIAL OFFERS & EVENTS:         

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Potential Threat:
Climate Lockdowns are next. Governments around the world will restrict everyone's ability to travel, shop, and use energy and water.

 - To stay cool, carry a battery-powered, hand-held water misting fan or wear a straw cowboy hat with a built-in solar fan to deal with extreme heat.

 - Sunscreens that are sold in the stores have harmful chemicals in them.  A good alternative is to lather your skin with coconut oil to block out 20% of the damaging rays.  Aloe vera can do the same.  

 - When you need to charge your cell phone, plug it into a micro USB emergency portable charger.  It's pre-charged power from a 2900mAH lithium battery when you need it.

 - Homemade Portable Air Conditioner DIY - Coldest One Yet!  (See Video Above)



The Mastery of Self:
A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom

For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.  He's back on the show to talk about how to release false ideas about your reality; dissolve outdated agreements that do not serve your true nature; and step into your role as the passionate artist of your own life. 

Becoming a Master

In the Toltec tradition of ancient Mexico, a warrior of the path attains personal freedom by being able to "clear her mind of beliefs, domestication, and attachments," explained Ruiz.

By both quieting the mind and living in the present moment full-time, you can be in a constant state of bliss; although it requires great discipline to achieve.

The mind's true purpose is to dream in the Toltec understanding.

"The Personal Dream is the unique reality created by every individual; it's their perspective, a manifestation of the relationship between mind and body, and intent is the energy that animates both.  As our shared knowledge and experience mingle together, we co-create the Dream of the Planet, which is the combination of every single being in the world's Personal Dream...Dream of the Planet is the manifestation of our shared intentions, where we allow our ideas and agreements to flow between us.  If there is harmony in the Personal Dream, then there is a constant opportunity for harmony with the Dream of the Planet," he added.

True Mastery lies in being able to be grounded in your authentic self and engaging in the Dream of the Planet.  It's having the personal freedom to make choices without getting caught up or being attached to the illusions of drama and  domestication (system of control) by those around you.  

How to Break Free of Attachments & Domestication

By operating from unconditional love, we can recognize and honor the divinity within others and have compassion for them.  

When we give conditional love, we limit how we perceive others, using a system of control through domestication by being attached to how they need to behave a certain way to earn our love and acceptance. 

Domestication and attachment comes from the voice of the mind that the Toltecs call the narrator and ally. 

As the narrator, it can act like a parasite when we self-domesticate by imposing shame, guilt, or perceived reward towards our self.  This can block us from seeing who we truly are.

The ally voice of the mind can give commentary on living, creating and loving unconditionally.  You can see through the illusions better.

Becoming a Master involves going beyond the mind's swings of listening to the self-talk by the narrator or ally and operate from your Authentic Self.

"The Authentic Self is the Divine, the energy or spirit that gives life to your body and mind," taught Ruiz.  The voice in your head is not the real you.

To Hear the Interview, Click on This Link: The Mastery of Self

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shared with any outside party.

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Just say, "Alexa,  play the podcast, Beyond 50 Radio Show " to hear
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Photo - Swan



Prairie Man:
My Little House Life & Beyond

Hiking Your Feelings: Blazing a Trail to Self-Love

Guy Finley:
Your Passport to
a New World
Beyond Stress, Struggle,
and Useless Pain

Real Estate Attraction

Lymph Health:
The Key to a Strong
Immune System

Masala Body

Peter Turner:
Experiences of a
Counterintelligence Spy
for the U.S. Military

The Hidden
Power of Aikido:
Transcending Conflict and Cultivating Inner Peace

Legacy Disorder

The Great American
Solar Eclipse



Giving your customers a better experience is the number one way to improve sales and increase retention.  And a professional customer-focused web presence powered by is the easiest and most affordable way to do that. The best part is, they will do everything for you.  From layout, design, and personalizing your content, to hosting, updating, and search engine optimization (SEO).  All you have to do is review and approve, so having a quality web presence won't take up all of your time or eat away at your budget.

+1 (800) 252-2595
Website + more for Sole Proprietors and Small Businesses