Ancient Teachings:
Interviews, Articles, and Resources
(Updated Regularly)

A - M

 A Million Steps

Awaken Your Heart with Feng Shui

Celtic Mystic & Healer, Ger Lyons

Celtic Spirit: Core and Cellular Transformation Healing

Change the Story of Your Health: Using Shamanic & Jungian Techniques

Cherokee Wisdom: 12 Lessons to Become a Powerful Leader

Communicating with Earth Spirits

Dawn Paul: A Healer of Souls

December 21, 2012: The End of the Mayan Calendar

Develop Inner Peace and Personal Power

Diana Cooper: World Expert on Angels

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha on "Soul" Power

Eco-Wisdom from an Ecuadorian Shaman

EMDR and the Universal Healing Tao

Filmmaker on Shaman Don Jose Campos & The Ayahuasca Plant


From Psychotherapy to Sacretherapy

Gambler's Dharma: Sports Betting with Vedic Astrology


Gangaji: Freedom and Resolve


Healing Ancestral Karma

Ho'oponopono from Hawaii

How to Deal with Loss from a Zen Perspective

Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright

KAYA: Angels, Dreams, and Signs

Little Grandma Selina of the Wabanaki Tribe

Lost Masters: Rediscovering the Mysticism of the Ancient Greek Philosophers

Mexico's Ancient Toltec Wisdom & Listening for Coyote

Money is an Energy Game: 112 Ways That You Can
Enhance or Recalibrate Your Ability to Increase Prosperity

N - Z


New Year's Rites of Renewal

Not for Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse


Permaculture Practices from Around the World


Personal Time Mapping System

Rasaji Tai Chi Gung for Health & Regeneration


Redefining Manhood

Sacred Indian Burial Grounds


Sacred Plant Initiations


Seiki Jutsu


Sex, Love and Dharma

Shamar Rinpoche: The Path to Awakening


Sound Shifting: Self-Healing with Sound

South African Shaman, John Lockley

Spiritual Hunger: Integrating Myth & Ritual Into Daily Life

Tap Into Your Authentic Feminine Power


Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche: Tibetan Dream Yoga

The 12-Step Buddhist

The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality

The Divine Music of Simrit Kaur

The Dream Teaching's of Mexico's Ancient Toltecs

The Genesis Code: Your Key to Unlocking Hidden Genius

The Healing Power of Breath

The Heart and Science of Yoga

The Last Navigator: The Ancient Art of Wayfaring


The Law of Forgiveness

The Lotus & The Lily: The Great Paradox of Prosperity

The Mastery of Self: A Toltec Path to Personal Freedom


The Open Focus Brain: Breaking the Addiction to Narrow Focus

The Real Solution for Today's Anxiety: Raising Our Consciousness

The Thirteenth Step: One Man's Odyssey of Recovery


Vastu: East Indian Feng Shui

Wachan: An Indian Medicine Man


When Did You Die?

White Eagle & White Eagle Lodge

William Whitecloud: The Last Shaman

Yoga Beyond Asana: A Complete Guide for Blissful Life

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Photo - Sunflower Girl


Sub-Categories of Religion & Spirituality:


Ancient Teachings

Death & The Afterlife


Spiritual Mastery


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